Enfermar es humano

ENFERMAR ES HUMANO: CUANDO EL PACIENTE ES EL MÉDICO Cátedra de Profesionalismo y Ética Médica. Universidad de Zaragoza • Grupo de Investigación en Bioética de Aragón (GIBA)-IIS Aragón 157 Bibliografía Perspectiva general del médico como paciente: Marco-Gómez B, Pérez-Álvarez C, Gallego-Royo A, Martínez-Boyero T, Altisent R, Delgado Marroquín MT, Astier-Peña MP. El proceso de enfermar de los médicos y sus consecuencias en el profesionalismo. Acta Bioethica. 2018; 24 (2): 199-210. O’Connor M, Kelleher C. Do doctors benefit from their profession? A survey of medical practitioners’ health promotion and health safety practices. Irish Medical Journal. 199; 91(6) 206209. Kay M, Mitchell G, Clavarino A, Doust J. Doctors as patients: a systematic review of doctors’ health access and the barriers they experience. Br J Gen Pract. 2008 Jul;58(552):501-8. doi: 10.3399/bjgp08X319486. Firth-Cozens J, Payne R. Stress in health professionals. Chichester: John Wiley et Sons; 1999. Thompson WT, Cupples ME, Sibbett CH, Skan DI, Bradley T. Challenge of culture, conscience, and contract to general practitioners’ care of their own health: qualitative study. BMJ. 2001; 323(7315):728-31. Schneck SA. Doctoring doctors and their families. JAMA. 1998; 280:2039-2042 Rosvold EO, Bjertness E. Illness behaviour among Norwegian physicians. Scand J Public Health [Internet]. 2002 Apr 5;30(2):125–32. Available from: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1080/14034940210133744 Arrizabalaga P, Baranda L, Rohlfs I, Artazcoz L, Carme Borrell, Mercè Fuentes, et al. Salud, estilos de vida y condiciones de trabajo de los médicos y médicas de Cataluña. Barcelona;Fundación Galatea. Inc; 2007. Stanton J, Caan W. How many doctors are sick? BMJ 2003; 326:97. Kay MP. Mitchell GK, Del Mar CB. Doctors do not adequately look after their own physical health. Med J Aust 2004; 181: 368-370 FrankE. Physician health and patient care. JAMA.2004;291:637